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Botanical name: Rubus idaeus
Family: Rosaceae
Part used: leaves
Action (karma): astringent, laxative, uterine tonic, antioxidant, amphoteric, stimulant, refrigerant, antispasmodic, alterative, diuretic, decongestant, antibacterial, antibiotic, hemostatic, antiseptic, antidiarrheal
Dose: Infuse 1 to 2 teaspoons of raspberry leaf per cup of boiled water for several minutes, taken three times a day.
This herb can be smoked.


Raspberry can be an excellent all purpose herb. It has a high tannin content and is valued for diarrhea, dysentery & useful is lowering blood sugar levels, stopping excessive bleeding and reducing fevers. It is often recommended during pregnancy or at least for the last couple of months. It serves to tone and relax the pelvic and uterine muscles and to stimulate them. Raspberry is known to ease the pain of childbirth and perhaps shorten the labor. It is also used in cleansing the afterbirth from the uterus and is drunk to enrich and increase the flow of milk after giving birth. Its astringent properties make it an effective remedy for excessive menstrual bleeding. As vitamins and minerals are highly concentrated in the plant (especially iron and calcium), raspberry leaf is a wonderful nutritive tonic, particularly for women. The herb has been used to cleanse wounds, ulcers, burns, gargle for sore mouth and throat, tonsillitis, venereal diseases, inflammation of the eyes, colds and flu and other viruses, hemorrhoids, cramps, inflammation, lung diseases, prostatitis, ulcers, prolapsed uterus, stimulating circulation and relieve stomach, liver, blood, kidney and skin diseases.


Ref: ‘Ayurvedic Medicine by Sebastian Pole; ‘Ayurvedic Pharmacology & Therapeutic Uses of Medicinal Plants’ by Vaidya V.M. Gogte; ‘Yogi of Herbs’ by V. Lad & D. Frawley; ‘Herbs Are Special’ by Isabel Shipard.

Raspberry Leaf (organic), 50 grams


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