Botanical name: Pullinia cupana
Other names: Brazilian cocoa, quarana
Family: sapindaceae
Part used: seed
Action (karma): Analgesic, anti-depressive, appetitie suppressant, aphrodisiac, arteriosclerosis, astringent, blood thinner, cardiotonic, chronic fatigue sysndrome, diarrhea, dilates blood vessels, diuretic, febrifuge, fights free radicals, gout, gout prevention, hangover, mild laxative, memory enhancement, nervine, pain relief, purgative, stimulant, tonic, vasodilator, weight loss
Dose: 1 to 2 teaspoons of guarana powder mixed in hot chocolate
Contraindications: do not have after 3pm in case of insomnia
Ref: ‘Ayurvedic Medicine’ by Sebastian Pole; ‘Ayurvedic Pharmacology & Therapeutic Uses of Medicinal Plants’ by Vaidya V.M. Gogte; ‘Yogi of Herbs’ by V. Lad & D. Frawley; ‘Herbs Are Special’ by Isabel Shipard.
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