Botanical name: Coriandrum sativum
Other names: Coriander, Cilantro, Dhaniya
Family: Umbelliferae
Part used: seed
Taste (rasa): sweet (madhur), pungent, (katuk), bitter (tikta)
Characteristic (guna): light, oily
Energy (veerya): LEAVES – cooling (sheeta) SEEDS – warming
Post digestive effect (vipak): sweet (madhur)
Dosha effect: decreases vatta, pitta, kapha, especially pitta.
Action (karma): toxin digester, alleviates intestinal spasms, alleviates burning in the body, appetizer, alleviates thirst, mood uplifter, vermifuge, diuretic, alleviates hot skin conditions, expectorant, carminative, digestive, alterative, cardiotonic, diaphoretic, antispasmodic, febrifuge.
Dose: Up to 4 grams a day.
Coriander seed is an excellent remedy for promoting digestion as it enkindles agni (digestive fire), but does not aggravate acidity. It can be used safely when there is inflammation in the digestion system, both the leaves and seeds are used for digestion to clear flatulence, griping and bloating. The powder of seeds is used for worms in children. Useful in cystitis, dysuria and cloudy urine. Also beneficial for helping to reduce hot flushes. Its expectorant properties help to clear mucous from the lungs. As the seeds are a mild diaphoretic it can help to alleviate a fever.
Ref: ‘Ayurvedic Medicine by Sebastian Pole; ‘Ayurvedic Pharmacology & Therapeutic Uses of Medicinal Plants’ by Vaidya V.M. Gogte; ‘Yogi of Herbs’ by V. Lad & D. Frawley; ‘Herbs Are Special’ by Isabel Shipard.
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